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10 Winter Safety Tips For Kids

  1. Layer up: Winter cold means that the kids need to be kept warm. Instead of opting for individual thick clothes opt for multiple layers of thinner clothes. Multiple layers help keep the body heat within the clothes to keep the little ones warm and safe. Ensure that the clothes are without strings that the kids can get strangled in.
  2. Moisturize: Winter means dry skin leaving the tiny tots susceptible to being infected with one of the scores of germs just flying around to get your little one. Moisturize, moisturize and moisturize to keep your little ones safe from the winter dryness.
  3. Stay hydrated: Ensure that the kids drink enough water especially during the winter without which they will be left adequately dehydrated. Leave bottles of water around the house where the kids are likely to see it in front of their eyes as a reminder to drink.
  4. Prevent nosebleeds: Dry winter can cause nose bleeds in some kids. One should use a humidifier to maintain the required humidity in the room to bring the bleed under control. Using saline nose drops is a good way to keep the nose hydrated enough to prevent nosebleeds.
  5. Diet plan: Winter asks for a more warming diet and nutritious diet to help the body deal with the cold. Ensure that the kids are drinking enough warm soups and hot foods. Adding more spices and herbs to the daily food is a good idea to keep the kids healthy and prevent them from falling sick.
  6. Cover up: Depending on how cold it is where you stay, its a good idea to cover your child’s ears and nose when out playing. It is a must have precaution when travelling with the child during the winter months to avoid colds and cough.
  7. Shoe up: Ensure that the kids are wearing dry warm socks and a good pair of shoes to keep their feet warm, dry and safe form the cold outside. Using a pair of fur lined boots is a rather good idea for the cold winter winds.
  8. Sunscreen: Winters need that your kids use adequate sunscreen before stepping out. just because its cold doesn’t mean kids wont get sun burns during the winter. Get a child friendly sunblock that filters both UVA and UVB rays to keep your child’s skin safe from the harsh sun.
  9. Be vigilant: Keep a vigilant eye on your child and his/her activities. Ensure that their body temperatures are within norm and that your child isn’t going cold. Use waterproof clothing when letting your child out to play. Additionally watch out for cracked heels, chapped lips and broken skin.
  10. Sleep warm: Ensure that the window’s in your child’s room remain closed especially at night to keep the cold out. Use warm bedding and multiple layers of blankets to keep them warm especially in the feet area to keep their body warm at night.

Winters can be both fun and healthy if enough safety precautions are brought into practice on a regular basis so go ahead and let the fun begin.

What Are The Key Health Dangers For Children?

Heart diseases: Thanks to unhealthy eating habits and kids snacking heavily on junk foods, heart diseases, high blood pressure and high cholesterol have started becoming an issue in younger kids. The chances of cardiovascular issues in obese children is as high as 70 %. Eating junk food, an inactive lifestyle and an overall unhealthy lifestyle are main causes of children facing heart diseases from an early age. The risk is higher in children with obese parents and a history of heart diseases in the family.

Cancer: The number of children falling sick with cancer is increasing over the years, while the survival rate too has increased, we cannot deny the growing number of cancer patients who are children. Regular screening can help catch the cancer in time and treat it. Cancer is believed to be a result of the using products laced with carcinogen. Plastic, baby products, ready mix formulas etc. are known contain one form of a carcinogen or another.

HIV/AIDS: In a lot of cases it is transferred vertically from the mother to the child during pregnancy. Other cases include those of blood and organ donations. Lack of awareness is the major cause of HIV being rampant among kids of a poorer economic background.

Diabetes: More and more kids are being diagnosed with juvenile diabetes thanks to bad eating habits and family history of fathers and forefathers having been diabetic. A general lack of focus on a healthy lifestyle is the cause for young children being diabetic. additionally, obesity and munching on junk food do nothing to help the situation. Diabetes brings with itself a whole load of other health issues like blood pressure and fatigue with it, even in kids.

Obesity: Childhood obesity is becoming increasingly rampant in India with more than 10 million kids being diagnosed with childhood obesity every year. This I some problem that is proving to be a root cause for many other health issues in children. Diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol being some of them. Obesity has a drastic effect on the quality of life both in the present and the future. Additionally, obesity is known to cause stress and problems of low self-esteem even in children as young as 10 years old.

Allergies: Children are increasingly becoming allergic to simplest of things. This is a new trend in Indian kids. Studies show that kids are becoming increasingly allergic to dust and pollution and are requiring masks to keep the allergies at bay. Nasal and food allergies are becoming increasingly common in urban parts of India.

These are just some of the health issues that children are facing form an early age due to the increasingly unhealthy life style amongst kids and parents alike. The only way to tackle these is to opt for a healthier lifestyle from scratch and spreading awareness about the same.

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Cow Milk

The brand, ‘Pride of Cows’ is a reflection of passion, and has a good name in the market for delivering good quality cow milk. The nutritional value of cow milk is higher compared to the benefits of milk from other milch animals. Now, let us take a look at the amazing health benefits of it.

Health benefits of good quality Cow milk

  1. Stronger bones and teeth: The calcium content in milk is the main source for acquiring healthy bones and teeth. It is not only advantageous for the young kids but also beneficial for the adults. It retains the density of the bones and prevents them from Osteoporosis. The calcium in it also prevents tooth decay and cavity formations. One should consume good cow milk to ensure that the body absorbs the required calcium.
  2. Muscle Growth: It contains a lot of protein which is essential for building and repairing the body tissues. After a workout, the body loses some fat as well as protein; drinking good quality milk can replenish the proteins and keep soreness away.
  3. Helps to take the stress-off: A glass of milk, after a tiring day, can be very useful. It is a great de-stressing drink. A warm glass of it can relax your senses and ease your frayed nerves. It also helps to diminish the symptoms of PMS. Good quality of it can save you from different diseases, and hence, it is sensible to rely on brands such as the ‘Pride of Cows’ to obtain pure and good quality cow milk.
  4. Glowing skin: It contains a greater quotient of vitamins which is useful in providing a natural glow to your skin. If you can drink pasteurized milk daily, then the smoothness and the glow of the skin will get enhanced. The lactic acid acts as an exfoliant to keep the skin glowing and the amino acid, in it, helps to keep the skin moisturised.
  5. Provides a healthy body: It serves as a great cure for a lot of health issues and illnesses. It has properties that help in lowering high blood pressure and in the reduction of strokes. The vitamins that we obtain from milk, such as vitamin A and B provide good eyesight. It sometimes acts as an antacid too.
  6. Loss of weight: It has been proved by experts that milk causes loss of weight and this is considered to be one of the major milk benefits for health. Women who drink low fat or skimmed milk actually lose more weight than those who exclude milk from their diet. Some think that it actually helps in gaining fat, but actually, it is just the other way round.

These amazing health benefits can be achieved from good quality of it. The nutrition value of cow milk is beneficial and to get the pure cow milk you just need to pick the right supplier in the market like the ‘Pride of Cows.’

How Schools Can Provide Mental Health Lessons Without Triggering Episodes

Mental issues like depression, panic attacks and anxiety disorders, which were so far considered adults’ problems, are affecting a lot more kids than ever before. That’s why media reports of kids committing suicide or resorting to self-harm – the extreme outcomes of such problems – are seen frequently. Unfortunately, most adults, including parents, believe that children do not suffer from mental health problems. They see childhood as a happy fairy tale in a person’s life. But sadly, it is not so in a world ridden with wars, terrorist attacks and applications like Blue Whale that livestream death.

Though advocates of mental health call for the introduction of mental health as a curriculum in schools, for educating the kids, having an open discourse on it is not without its share of challenges. Talking about mental health in schools is like walking a tightrope. There is no knowing how a piece of information could turn on its head and trigger an episode for a vulnerable child.

The problem though is that in a world that has got smaller because of the internet and the omnipresent social media, it is impossible to avoid mental health discussion. The situation is so precarious that nowadays even a youngster goes live with his own suicide’s livestreaming on social media. So, the challenge is to address the concern of mental health, yet do it right. Here is what can be done:

Test the waters: It is necessary first to test the waters or the level of understanding about a mental health concern. For example, one could begin by questioning children about depression, the most common mental health condition in the world today. Depending on the kind of response they get, the educator could delve into the subject further.

Have clarity: It is essential for the educator to have clarity before they hold forth on topics related to mental health. For that, some amount of homework is needed. For example, they could be informed about children who have undergone a recent bereavement. In the aftermath of a violence in school, or the death of a friend, it is essential that they are careful about the content of their speech.

Follow-up: It is important to follow up with the mental health counselor in school about the response to the class. Not only that, the kind of responses the children had and their specific concerns should be detailed in a memo for the records. In addition, it is essential to prepare the parents as well in advance so that they know how to address the questions that the child might have.

Screening for mental health disorder: Screening children for mental health conditions is a logical step for preventing incidents. In a class that has children with a problem, the educator could exercise restraint.

Avoid usage of distressing visuals: Visuals could have a distressing impact on the child’s mind. So, whether it is the image of a child with visible traces of self-harm on their body, or a visual of an anorexia, it is better to avoid these as the children are quick to take the representation.

Avoid going into graphic details: While any class on suicide prevention cannot happen without a mention of the means with which people kill themselves, one should avoid the details lest children make it a point to look it up in Google.

Simple Yoga Poses For Kids

Yoga Poses for Kids

You might have thought that yoga is only for an adult not for kids as it is all about bringing balance and sense of wellbeing and when it comes to a kid it is all opposite. Kids are always super active and very curious about everything and the yoga give it a direction. When it comes to yoga kids can be considered as a born yogi and yoga can become a medium for them to express their creativity, fear and anger in a most powerful yet effective way with yoga. Also, it makes them more disciplined increased their trust in their own abilities that they can achieve anything they want while keeping their mind and body in synchronization.

Why it is important to introduce yoga to kids early

In today’s hectic fast pacing world where not even kids are spared from the hype of competition, yoga is a way to lead them towards mindfulness and inner peace and create a harmony between their curious mind and body. Also, nowadays kids are always glued to TV or smartphones and practicing yoga will give their body a necessary movement which is great for their health. Yoga helps in improving the mood and self-regulation skills in the kids. Introduce yoga to your kids with some basic yoga pose and later introduce breathing exercises like pranayama and meditation slowly.

Here are top 5 easy yoga pose you can try out with your kids

Bridge pose

Lie down on yoga mat and bend the knee keeping the feets flat and hip-width apart. Place the arms resting beside the body. With an inhale lift the butt, lower back and upper back off the floor and try to balance the body in that position. Interlock the finger beneath the back to get the nice lift and try to keep the balance on legs and arms. Let your kid stay in the pose according to their comfort and ask them to breath slowly. With an exhale gently release from the pose. Put a bolster under your kids back if he is facing difficulty in lifting pelvis off the floor.

Benefits: Bridge pose is very easy yet an invigorating yoga poses to start off your kids’ yoga practice. It open shoulder, chest and thighs and stretches and strengthen the hamstrings.

Tree pose

Begin with the pose keeping the legs, spine straight and hands hanging besides the legs. Bend your right knee and place your legs near the left inner thighs. Stretch your hands above the heads in a Namaste position. Stay in the pose and then gently holds the pose and repeat the pose with the left leg.

Tree pose will teach your kid to be strong will yet grounded, to stand tall and held head highs yet maintaining balance.

Cobra pose

Lie down on the stomach keeping your hands beside your either side of the body. Bend the elbows and place the palms near the chest on either side. Keeping the core engaged to lift the upper torso into a hooded cobra pose. Keep the chin up and pull the shoulder towards the spine and hold the pose for 15 seconds and then release.

Cobra pose is fun yoga poses for kids to practice. Apart from that it stretches and strengthen the spine and open the chest, shoulder and abdomen. Ask your kid to go slow as every kid has different flexibility.

Child pose

From tabletop, pose sit on the heels. Stretch the arms over the head and slowly with an exhale lower your upper torso and rest the forehead on the mat. Rest the arms alongside the body and chest over the knees and gently breathe. Hold the pose according to your kid comfort and release.

Child pose will help your kid to unwind and relax them.

Hero pose

From a tabletop position bend the knees and sit on the heels. Straighten the spine and place the hands over the thighs. Relax the shoulder and core and take deep breaths. Let your child hold the pose as per his/ her comfort and slowly release.

Hero pose is the best salvation for your kid weary legs and apart from that, it is the best pose to improve the digestion and stretching the spine.

Reasons How Art For Kids Makes Their Life Creative

Is it true that you are searching for some new cycle craftsmanship thoughts? What about a workmanship association with your Thanksgiving unit? Why not paint with quills. Children truly appreciate the tangible experience of working with quills and plumes help make some truly fascinating art. Here are the reasons why art is important for you and makes your life creative.

Art for kids is an unquestionable requirement! We can help cultivate inventiveness using measure workmanship exercises. There are so various ways that your youngsters can try different things with various approaches to paint, making art an incredible alternative for any kid. Also, workmanship can assist youngsters with utilizing their fine engine abilities, create a visual cycle and memory aptitudes, and participate in self-expression. Here on Fantastic Fun and Learning, we are continually searching for imaginative approaches to get our children inspired by art and learning, and we needed to impart to you a portion of the inventive ways we like to paint!

  • Art Generates a Love of Learning and Creativity, building up a readiness to investigate what has not existed previously. Workmanship encourages hazard taking, gaining from one’s mix-ups, and being available to different prospects. Children who are innovative are additionally inquisitive and energetic about knowing more.
  • Art Develops the Whole Brain. It fortifies concentration and expands consideration, creates deftness, requires practice and key reasoning, and includes associating with the material world through various devices and art mediums.
  • Art Prepares Kids for the Future. Imaginative, receptive individuals are exceptionally wanted in all professional ways. Workmanship and imaginative instruction expand the future nature of the nearby and worldwide network. Being innovative is long-lasting expertise and can be utilized in inconsistent circumstances.
  • Art Teaches Problem Solving. Making Art instructs that there is more than one answer for a similar issue. Workmanship challenges our convictions and empowers open-finished reasoning that makes a domain of inquiries as opposed to answers and you can do along with the help of different art supplies in Pakistan.
  • Art Supports Emotional Intelligence. It underpins the outflow of complex emotions that assist kids with resting easy thinking about themselves and causes them to comprehend others by “seeing” what they have communicated and made. Art upholds individual significance throughout everyday life, finding delight in own self, regularly being shocked, and afterward inspiring it in others.
  • Art Builds Community. This comes to across racial generalizations, strict hindrances, and socio-prudent levels and partialities. Seeing other culture’s imaginative articulation permits everybody to be more associated and less separated – “perceive how we are completely related.” Art makes a feeling of having a place.
  • Art Improves Holistic Health. It definitely constructs confidence builds inspiration and understudy participation, improves levels and interchanges, supports collaboration, and fortifies our relationship to the earth.
  • Art is Big Business. At the center of the multi-billion dollar film and computer game industry are specialists making pictures and stories. Each business item is aesthetically planned, from seats to vehicles, space stations to iPods.
  • Art Awakens the Senses. It opens the heart and psyche to conceivable outcomes and energizes the creative mind. The workmanship is a cycle of figuring out how to make ourselves and experience the world in new manners. Expressions uphold the master plan perspective on life: excellence, images, otherworldliness, narrating, it additionally causes us to venture out of time permitting one to be available at the time. Art keeps the enchantment alive.
  • Art is Eternal. Innovativeness and self-articulation have consistently been fundamental to mankind. Our soonest inventive articulations were recorded in petroglyphs, cavern artistic creations, and antiquated figures. One of the main things kids do is draw, paint, and utilize their minds to play by using innovative art supplies.

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

It is widely accepted that water is essential for human survival, and that regular drinking of H2O can lead to improved health. However, it is surprising to consider that the majority of the human body is composed of water, with approximately 60% of the body weight composed of water and 71% of the planet’s surface covered in water. Several studies states that the amount of water needed for optimal health depends on a range of factors, such as the climate, physical activity level, and any health conditions. Therefore, it is not necessarily a priority for many people to drink sufficient amounts of water daily.

Here are the top 10 health benefits, and know why water is so important for your health:

1. May prevents kidney damage:

The kidneys are responsible for regulating fluid levels in the body, and inadequate water intake can lead to the formation of kidney stones, a painful accumulation of mineral crystals in the urine. There is limited evidence to suggest that water intake can reduce the likelihood of recurrence of kidney stones in individuals who have already experienced them. Increased fluid intake increases the amount of urine that passes through the kidneys, thus reducing the concentration of minerals and reducing the likelihood of stones forming in clumps. Additionally, water may be able to help prevent initial stone formation, however, further research is necessary to confirm this.

2. Helps in physical performance:

If you don’t keep your body hydrated, your performance will suffer. This is especially true when you’re in intense physical activity or in hot weather. If you’re not drinking enough, you can lose up to 10% of your water weight. This can mess with your body temperature, make you feel tired, and make exercise harder physically and mentally. But if you’re drinking enough, you won’t have to worry about this. Plus, research has shown that increased water intake can help you perform better during tough workouts. If you’re pregnant or nursing, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about how much fluid you’re drinking since your body will be using more fluids.

3. Aids in digestion:

If you’re dealing with constipation, it’s important to make sure you’re drinking enough water. Low water consumption can be a risk factor in both young and older people, so it’s important to stay hydrated. Mineral water, which is packed with magnesium and sodium, is especially beneficial for people with constipation, as it helps to break down the food and make it easier to digest. Plus, it can help turn soluble fiber into gel and slow down digestion, so you can feel full for longer.

4. Helps your brain function optimally:

Research has demonstrated that even modest amounts of dehydration, ranging from 1% to 3%, can have a considerable effect on brain functioning. Numerous studies have been conducted on individuals of all ages, including children, adults, and adolescents, which have revealed that mild dehydration has a detrimental effect on mental health, memory, and cognitive functioning. Drinking too much water can have a detrimental effect on memory, concentration, and energy levels. This is unsurprising, as H2O, which is responsible for the majority of the brain, is essential for maintaining optimal health. Low levels of H2O can cause muscle weakness, fatigue, and confusion. Additionally, dehydration can affect brain structure and functioning, as well as the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Furthermore, if dehydrated for an extended period of time, it can lead to difficulty thinking and thinking aloud.

5. May help you eat healthier:

It may be simple, but it is effective. A study of adults found that those who drank just one percent more water daily had fewer calories and fewer saturated fats, sugars, sodium and cholesterol. Drinking water before meals may also help you fill up, according to a study of healthy young people.

6. May regulates body temperature:

When your body heats up, water stored in the inner layers of your skin comes to the surface of your skin as sweat. As sweat evaporates, your body cools down. In sports, some researchers have suggested that when your body has too little water, it increases heat storage and your body is less able to withstand heat stress. Having too much water in your body may help reduce physical strain if you experience heat stress during exercise. More research is needed on this topic.

7. May help prevent and treat headaches:

Research has indicated that dehydration can lead to headaches and migraine in certain individuals. Headaches are one of the most frequent symptoms of dehydration, and some studies have suggested that drinking water may be beneficial in those who suffer from frequent headaches. In a study of men, increased water intake was found to improve their quality of life by 47% compared to 25% in the control group. However, due to a lack of high-quality studies, further research is necessary to confirm the potential benefits of increased hydration in improving headache symptoms and reducing headache frequency.

8. Safeguards your tissues, spinal cord, and joints:

Water not only quenches your thirst and keeps your body temperature in check, but it also helps keep the tissues inside your body moist. Do you know what it’s like to have dry eyes, a runny nose, or a dry mouth? When you’re not drinking enough water, your body loses moisture to these sensitive areas and to the blood, bone, and brain. Water is also important for protecting your spinal cord. It helps lubricate and cushion your spine. The cartilage in your joints and the discs of your spine contains about 80% water. If you’re dehydrated for too long, your joints won’t be able to absorb as much shock as they should, resulting in joint pain.

9. May flushes your body waste:

Consumption of adequate amounts of water allows the body to eliminate waste through sweat, urine, and excretion. Water is essential for the kidneys to remove waste from the blood and for the blood vessels leading to the kidneys to remain clear. Additionally, water is necessary for the prevention of constipation, however, research has indicated that there is no proof that increased fluid intake can cure constipation due to a variety of factors

10. Keeps your cardiovascular system healthy:

Water is a big part of your body – about 90% of your blood is water, according to Britannica. When your blood is too dehydrated, it’s more concentrated and your electrolytes, like sodium and potassium, are out of balance. That’s important for your muscles and heart, and it can make you feel dizzy or light-headed. According to a study, good hydration can actually slow down aging in humans, partly because of its cardiovascular benefits, but researchers said more research is needed to prove it.

Why Kids Are Unable To Distinguish The Left And Right

About two or three years old, little kids are able to distinguish the left and right hands or the left and right foot. If your kids are unable to distinguish between left and right when three years old, parents should must self-examine firstly whether you consciously have taught kids to distinguish the right and left hand. With the long time and repeating guidance about distinguishing the left and right, if your kid still can’t have the effect. What’s pity, your kids are likely to suffer from sensory integration disorder syndrome.

As usual, kids with sensory integration disorder syndrome would have eight simple symptoms and parents can check your kids’ condition according to the eight symptoms. Firstly, it is unable to distinguish the right and left, secondly, it is unable to lace up their shoes, thirdly, it is unable to button, fourthly, not allow other people to touch them, fifthly, they don’t understand other people’s words and meaning, sixthly, they have the poor language skills, seventhly, they are unable to write the right words, eighthly, they would miss some lines when reading books. After the self-checking, if your kids have some symptoms showed above, it is more likely to suffer from such disorder.

Do you know the definition the sensory integration disorder syndrome? Generally, it means refers to external sensory signals can’t be combined effectively in kids’ brain and nervous system so that the organism can’t work normally and finally result in a variety of obstacles, which would affect the physical and mental health in children of brain systems.

Two important factors including the congenital factors and the acquired factors would lead to such disorders. the congenital factors include emotional instability during pregnancy phase, abnormal fetal position, premature birth, caesarean section and so on while the acquired factors include less contact and communication between kids and mothers, narrow space for exercise, lack of crawling, too much protection for children so that some basic abilities are destroyed, lack of operating chance and basic competence training, serious relationship between parents and kids and so on.

According to the analysis showed above, we can know that unable to distinguish the left and right is one of the performances of sensory integration disorder syndrome. As for such kids, it is not useful to teach them to distinguish the left and right simply. Fundamentally speaking, it is better to take the targeted training to help such types of kids turn for the better.