Does Disability Mean You Can’t Have a Child?

Though disability is typically thought of as something negative, disability does not have to be a bad thing. A disability should not affect your ability to live your life or be able to have children. However, society has taught us that being disabled is difficult, horrible, and worthless.

But disability should never prevent you from being able to be pregnant if that’s what you want! We know plenty of women who are physically disabled but have been pregnant before. And obviously, they were successful! If you’re wondering what the process might look like for someone with a disability becoming pregnant by traditional routes, there are many barriers that may be put in your way.

The Stigma

How do you feel about disability and pregnancy? Like I said earlier, society taught us that being disabled is a curse and if you add pregnancy to the equation, that is mission impossible. The stigma of being pregnant with a disability is something that many disabled people have to face every day. As someone who relies on a wheelchair and uses an electric scooter to get around, pregnancy was not exactly easy. But it was doable, as long as they had the right help.

Many people with disabilities are often perceived as needing assistance, but a person’s disability should not be the focus. People should see someone first, and then any additional information is secondary. Although it is true that being pregnant with a disability is different than being pregnant without one, it isn’t less. Many women, personally, have never been treated differently because of their pregnancy, and we really hope to change the perception others may have about pregnancy while having a disability.

Preparations and Adjustments

Pregnancy is a beautiful yet demanding time in a woman’s life. Some women, especially those with disabilities, may face unique challenges while preparing for and adjusting to pregnancy. These challenges may include physical limitations, additional responsibility for caretaking, as well as potential concerns about the safety of both mother and fetus.

Additionally, many women with disabilities face negative views toward pregnancy and parenting from a variety of sources, including family members, healthcare providers, and members of the general public. This attitude can be stressful and increase the dangers of pregnancy health. If you are pregnant and have a disability, there are certain things you can do to prepare for and modify during your pregnancy.

  • Physical Preparation: First and foremost, speak with your doctor about your individual circumstances and any necessary adjustments. You may need to adjust your diet, exercise routine, or medication schedule depending on your handicap. At the end of the day, the most essential thing is to pay attention to your body.
  • Prepare Your Home: You may also need to make changes to your living or working environment to ensure your safety and comfort. Before bringing a newborn home, every first-time parent has a lot of work ahead of them. If you’re on medication, make sure drawers are locked to prevent your child from accidentally ingesting it. Make sure all of your outlets are plugged in and that any sharp edges are adequately protected. If you think an adjustable tub will help with bath times in the future, make sure it’s installed before the baby arrives. Because babies are more susceptible to dust and germs than adults, clean the house as thoroughly as you can. It’s a good idea to get your kitchen ready for when your little one arrives. It will be a relief to know that you are well provisioned and have enough meals ready and frozen to last a week or more when the pandemonium arrives.
  • Clothes and Equipment: Comfortable clothing is another boon for new moms, especially when dealing with hot temperatures and hot flashes. Stock up on breathable, lightweight, and relaxed fabrics that will stretch as your pregnancy continues. Baby carriers, especially those designed to fit in wheelchairs, will be helpful. If you have limited mobility, cradles and cots with drop-down corners for easy access to your baby will be handy. There are people and firms that offer bespoke solutions if you require adaptive equipment that you cannot obtain. These companies can create something customized to your demands if you define what you require.
  • Prepare Yourself Mentally and Emotionally: It’s also crucial to maintain contact with other pregnant mothers who are disabled. There are numerous online and in-person support groups that can provide you with advice and support during your pregnancy. This will help you cope with those negative views and comments you will hear when you decide to have your children. These people will be the ones who can understand you because they experienced the same thing as you. Of course, the support from your loving family will also help. They are the ones you need the most at this time, but being with those who have the same situation as you will make a difference in you.

Staying Positive Throughout

Women with disabilities can do a variety of things to prepare for and adjust to pregnancy. To begin with, speak with your doctor about your particular issue and how it may influence your pregnancy. It’s also critical to be proactive in seeking out information and support from other disabled mothers. There are a variety of online forums and support groups that can offer help and advice. Finally, patience and taking things one step at a time are essential. Pregnancy is a time of transition for both the mother and the baby, so it’s crucial to give yourself plenty of time to adjust.

Of course, negative thoughts and assumptions are unavoidable during that time, but staying positive will help you cope with those feelings. Try to imagine the feeling when your baby is in your arms, his or her smile, and how beautiful the sound of his or her cry is. You can also imagine him or her when he grows up and those birthdays you will share together as a family. This will help you not focus on your disability and pregnancy but on the future with your baby.

What is an Allergy Test? Who Needs to Take an Allergy Test?

Glowing skin is always in, but it becomes difficult to maintain the glow of the skin. Apart from a busy schedule, increasing pollution is also responsible for skin allergies. To prevent skin disease or allergies, you need to take proper care of your skin. Plan your skincare schedule as per your daily routine, and take out time for cleaning your skin so that it does not lose its glow.

Today’s generation is mostly dependent on filters for getting the perfect pictures, how about making your skin perfect? Filters are great but how about clear skin which is even better? However, the rising pollution leads to an increase in skin allergies, and in order to protect yourself, you must take an allergy profile test in Delhi to know the cause of your symptoms.

How will you know whether you have an allergy? The body produces certain symptoms which state your allergic condition. There can be a series of symptoms that the body gives when coming in contact with certain allergens or consumption of certain foods.

The symptoms of allergy are:-

The most common symptom is hay fever which causes sneezing, an itchy nose, and a stuffy nose.

Itchy mouth and swelling of the tongue or lips happen when you are allergic to certain foods.

Due to bee or insect stings, your body starts showing certain symptoms like swelling of that are of the body, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and itching.

Allergy Test:- An Overview

An allergy profile test helps in identifying the types of allergy you are suffering from and also detect its cause. The sooner you know about the cause the better it would be for your overall health.

Your healthcare service provider may ask you to go for an allergy test to check your immune system. The test checks how your immune system is reacting to the allergens like pollen, mold, or dust particles. People may also be allergic to certain foods or smells, which show different symptoms.

How does the body react to allergens?

Allergies take place when the immune system comes in contact with allergens like dust particles, pollen, and so on. Other than this, if you consume the foods you are allergic to, then also the body shows the symptoms of allergies. During this time, the immune system forms antibodies to identify certain allergens, such allergens hamper your skin, air passages, or even your digestion.

The complexity of allergies differs from one person to another. Some allergies can be cured while some can’t but yes there are helpful treatments to reduce their effect on the body. Therefore, going for the allergy test is very important to take the right medication and treatment.

When and who needs to take an allergy blood test?

Whenever you notice the above-mentioned symptoms, you should head toward your nearest health service provider for allergy testing. Early detection of the type of allergy and doctor’s prescribed medications will provide some relief.

If you see any serious symptoms like anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening allergic reaction. Symptoms like this, require quick medical help at the earliest. Take your medication without fail to improve your health condition or it may give rise to complicated health conditions.

People staying in polluted areas are more prone to allergies, especially dust allergy. Continuous sneezing and coughing, redness of the skin, and headache are common when you have dust allergies. If you notice such signs, then you must take the test soon to prevent any harmful conditions. It would be better if you consider a doctor’s consultation before taking the allergy blood test.

Did you know about the causes of allergens?

The cause of allergens is when your immune system produces antibodies when reacts with harmful allergens like dust particles, bee stings, mold, or pollen grains. During this reaction, the body produces allergic symptoms which call for an immediate allergen test.

Your immune system produces antibodies when coming in contact with pollen, and dust mites. Some people are allergic to certain foods like shellfish, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, peanuts, and so on. Bee or wasp stings or touching a certain substance like latex with bare hands are also major causes of allergic reactions. Apart from this, there are certain medications that also lead to allergic reactions in the body.

The risk of allergic reactions or allergies increases if you have a family record of asthma or allergies.

Preparation before Allergy Test

If you are a patient with asthma, your doctor may ask you to stop taking asthma medication for a few weeks before the allergy test. The healthcare service provider asks you to do so as the medication affects your conditions and also the result of the test.

Final Thoughts

Eat, work, sleep and repeat! Let’s modify the phrase by adding one more thing, Eat, Work, Skincare, Sleep and Repeat! Make your skincare a part of your daily routine and protect your skin from harmful dirt. Carry your scarf, cover your face, it would be best to wear a mask when outside. Make a habit of washing your hands and legs after you are back from work or any place, this helps in keeping you safe from germs and bacteria.

Consider having a good and healthy diet and consuming a sufficient amount of water daily for a stronger immune system and better circulation of blood. This is another tip that should be included in your skincare routine.

Clean your house on a daily basis for a clean environment, also if you notice any symptoms of allergy, then don’t forget to take the allergy test. Take the test from a well-known diagnostic center for excellent results and health services.

Healthy Food For Children – Train Your Kids to Eat Wholesome

Training your kids to eat wholesome is definitely challenging for many parents, as is also often influenced by Television commercials about junk food along with other affects that may become more attractive to all of them.

Placing more fruits and vegetables in their diet will genuinely make a difference in their growth as well as in their eating habits. Instruction these phones eat wholesome while very young will even lead them to lesser health issues within their adult years.

If you want to start with healthy foods for children, you are able to select vegetables as well as add them to their everyday diet. You may also function them in variety of methods to make sure they are attractive. Fruits and vegetables add a variety of colors as well as smoothness in order to recipes and foods, which means you may want to make the most of that too.

Getting started using the healthy food for kids, vegetables and fruits, chicken with no skin, Wheaties and whole grain, skimmed milk, frozen natural yogurt or even non-body fat frozen treats are a handful of healthy foods that you could function your children. You may also make your own quality recipes and make sure you range from the healthy elements onto it.

Breakfast is important not just with regard to adults however for children as well. You are able to serve them breakfast that is full of dietary fiber, and many most likely, you’re going to get this through vegetables plus wholegrain breads. Cereals as well as low-fat cheese and skimmed milk are also good choices for breakfast. You can also provide them with the fresh fruit instead of canned fruit juices to get the majority of nutrients from it and less the actual artificial coloring.

A healthy sandwich with regard to lunch time is also great for the children. You can use whole grain bread or whole grain crackers. For your tuna fish salad, you can also reduce as well as mix vegetables such as cultivated carrot, oranges and green peppers. You can also make use of fat-totally free mayonnaise together with chunks of poultry and don’t forget to add the carrots, raisins or walnuts for your chicken greens. Peanut butter as well as jelly will also be good choices for sandwiches, or else you may function them with your own oranges stays. You could help to make more healthy sandwiches with the addition of more vegetables in it and serve it along with fresh fruit.

At times, you might need a large amount of persistence to create your kids adore veggies, so make certain also that you’re letting them observe that you’re also eating all of them. You can also place a dish of vegetables and fruits such as grapes or even carrot as well as oranges sticks close by when they are actively playing so that they could be more exposed to these kinds of meals.

Organic vegetables and fruit are also healthier choices for your kids. Apart from becoming free of pesticide sprays, they likewise have higher nutrient contents as well as antioxidants. Bear in mind too when you would like healthy foods for children, avoid getting these phones fast foods, obviously this part may be very difficult with all the vibrant Television ads, but there’s always a way to explain. You can also be creative. When they just love those chicken nuggets in the fast food, you can make your personal in your own home less the body fat and an excessive amount of sodium. You are able to grill chicken breast, work in to more compact bite sizes making a healthy dipping sauce.

It is possible to make your own healthy food for kids in your own home such as creating a healthier pizza and getting individuals carrot and celery stays rather than individual’s high sodium French fries.

Nutrition And Health Tip For Kids

As a parent you are a teacher for your child that’s why you are responsible for your child’s health. You should know about everything which are beneficial for your child’s health. The article below will give you some great Teaching Tips for Parents and Kids Nutrition Tips to how care and improve your child’s health. Always be careful regarding your child’s food because food is very important for your child growth and health. It helps your child to grow healthier and stay healthier. Never include fast food in your eating plan because fast food is very dangerous for your child. Fast food always remain a big factor of obesity which is the biggest threat for your child. Always add lots of food in your child’s eating plan like vegetables and juice.

Now a day, healthier fresh fruit and vegetables are missing in eating plans. As discussed earlier that fast food is not good for our child health due to their impacts because they didn’t fits to healthy diet. Vegetable contains color, fragrance and flavor substances of the plants that is essential for body. Never use prepared food always try to create food ourselves. Children have smaller energy storage that’s why they need five balanced meals per day. Only in this way they contain enough power to play, romp, learning and growth.

Breakfast is particularly very important because it closes fast of the night and fills the memory. Better than sugary flakes add whole-grain cereal with milk and fruit. Especially the afternoon is easy to candy case. If the distances are too great in between meals, then the children snacked with unhealthy things through the day. In time a glass of milk and a serving of chopped fruit bow before.

Fish is our main source of iodine. So one time in a week Fish is necessary for you child. In addition, fish provides many healthy fatty acids that’s why alway use fish once in a week. For the children practically boneless fish fillet is optimal. And because that puts even under the (fat) fish sticks breading, fish is consumed in this popular form which is still much better than no fish. Many parents didn’t know about it to how to mange child’s food. Hope so this article will gives some Teaching Tips for Parents and Kids Nutrition Tips.

Children’s Fluid Requirements – The Healthiest Drinks For Kids

Whilst good nutrition is one of the most important aspects of a child’s health, what we give our kids to drink is just as significant as the quality of food we give them to eat.

Breast Feeding vs Formula Feeding

From birth to around 6 months of age of course, there’s little doubt that breast milk is the best thing for babies to consume. Infant formulas offer a nutritionally adequate substitute but do not offer the benefits for a child’s immunity provided by breast milk..

Studies have found that the younger an infant is exposed to formula, the greater their risk of developing problems related to their immune system such as allergies, eczema and asthma later in life. There are reasons why breast feeding may simply not be possible of course, but unless this is the case, it should always be preferential over the bottle.

Cows Milk?

Whilst it’s important to start introducing solids at around 6 months of age, it is ideal to continue breastfeeding as well (if possible) up until about 12 months. If this is simply not an option, then formula is definitely the best fluid for a child of that age to be consuming. Cows milk should not be introduced until after 12 months. This helps to avoid the potential for an allergic reaction; and ensures a better nutrient intake for the child as cows milk is a poor source of certain nutrients such as iron (which are added to formulas).

After 12 months, you can progress to either cow’s milk or infant formula. As many parents are probably aware it is recommended to provide full cream milk (around 4% fat) at this age as it is an important source of the fats needed for growth and development for a toddler.. The Australia dietary guidelines recommend that low fat dairy foods are encouraged for children over the age of two years. It is important to consider the individual nutritional needs of your child.

Alternatives to Milk

As a general rule of thumb, plain cows milk is the best choice for young children, though sometimes certain children either can’t tolerate milk or simply don’t like the taste of it. Food allergies occur in about 6% of children under 3 years, with nearly half of all cases being attributed to cow’s milk. The good news is that approximately 80% of them will outgrow the allergy by the age of 5. Young children with cow’s milk allergy will have to rely on a substitute eg goat’s milk or soy milk. Make sure that any allergy or intolerance is properly diagnosed by a doctor using medically approved allergy testing methods. It is important to diagnose allergy correctly and avoid limiting foods in a child’s diet unless it is truly necessary. If you suspect your child may have a food allergy seek advice from your doctor.

Unlike popular belief, A2 milk will still cause allergic reactions in children allergic to cow’s milk. Goats milk or soy milk (fortified with calcium) are generally acceptable alternatives, though allergies to these milks can also occur in rare cases. Rice milk is also available and generally has added calcium, though due to its low fat and protein content, should not be considered an alternative to cow’s milk or formula among children under two.

Flavored milks are often preferred by children but these contain a lot of added sugar which means extra kilo joules and encourages children to prefer sweetened drinks.As long as you limit the amount of flavored milk to avoid too many extra kilo joules, flavored milks can help to provide enough calcium for a child, though of course other dairy foods (such as custard, yogurt and cheese) are also good sources.

How much?

Up until the age of 12 months, breast milk or formula should be the major fluid an infant receives. After that it is still important to make milk or toddler formula an important part of a child’s fluid intake, (around 600ml’s of milk per day) though throughout this second year of life, the most important fluid contribution should come from the best fluid of all – water.

Water is needed for an enormous range of chemical functions in our body, and many people simply don’t drink enough of it; including children. It is recommended that children under five consume approximately 4 glasses of water and 600ml of milk every day. There are other conditions which will affect how much water a children needs to drink, though these are general recommendations for most children, so it’s best to speak to your doctor about any other specific circumstances.

Kids will need even more water during hot weather, if they are very active as well as when they are sick eg with vomiting, fever and diarrhea, which all cause extra fluids to be lost. With excessive fluid loss with illness it may be necessary to give your child special electrolyte supplements (ask your doctor/pharmacist about this) to help prevent dehydration. Children can become dehydrated quickly through illness, so if you suspect that your child may be dehydrated, seek medical help immediately. Signs of acute dehydration include cool skin, dry mouth, fatigue, sunken eyes, swollen tongue and poor circulation.

Sometimes, people worry about the safety of our water supplies because of concerns about the chemicals added. It is important to know that the water we drink from the tap is very strictly regulated to ensure that our drinking supplies are perfectly safe. Unnecessary fear has resulted in booming sales of bottled water across the country. Other than price, the only real difference between bottled water and tap water is that bottled water does not contain fluoride; an important mineral needed to strengthen children’s teeth to protect against decay. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in varying concentrations throughout the world and it is added to water supplies in many, (but not in all) areas of Australia. There are lower rates of tooth decay among children in areas where drinking supplies contain fluoride at around 1 part per million; the concentration at which most areas across NSW ensure their tap water is providing.

What about other beverages?

Some of the other common drinks children consume include fruit juice, cordials and soft drink. The major problem with these drinks is that they contain a lot of sugar which not only provides excess kilo joules (Calories) but encourages tooth decay. This is more likely to happen when a sugary drink is consumed between meals compared to when it is consumed with meals. Chewing food at mealtimes produces saliva which helps to protect teeth against dental decay and dental erosion.

Soft drinks are perhaps the worst offenders, as in addition to providing a large dose of sugar, they are a rich source of phosphoric acid which further breaks down tooth enamel and promotes calcium loss from the bones. Diet soft drinks use non-sugar sweeteners which are less problematic than the sugary versions, though still contain phosphoric acid. Cordials do not contain phosphoric acid, but do contain large amounts of sugar, so these drinks are not a very healthy choice for anyone let alone young children.

Many parents worry about the chemicals in processed foods including sweetened drinks which has encouraged drink (and food) manufacturers to make versions with all “natural” ingredients which claim to have “no artificial colors flavors or preservatives”. Remember that all these drinks still offer the high sugar levels and/or the high acid content which is not good for your child. Using the word ‘natural’ is a marketing gimmick food companies use to lull parents into feeling safer about giving these products to their children. Buyer beware!

What about juices?

There’s no doubt that fruit and vegetables are among the healthiest foods there are, with most children not reaching their daily recommended intake of 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables. Many of the nutrients found in fruits and veggies are in the fibrous roughage of the food – the part which is thrown away in the production of juice. Even with no added sugar, a 250ml glass of orange juice contains about as much sugar as 3 whole oranges, but lacks the fiber. Although juices contain more nutritional benefit than soft drink and cordials , water is by far the better option!

Make Healthy Snacks For Kids Using The Freshest Ingredients

Possibly the fussiest eaters in your home are your kids. With too much synthetic food vying for their attention on store shelves, it is very difficult to get them to eat the right things. Most store-bought and packaged products like jams, ketchups, salad dressings, cakes, cookies, dips; are loaded with preservatives and additives that can prove o be harmful to your body and that of your little ones. It is important therefore, to be vigilant and careful while choosing and buying food.

The parents’ world

Once you become a parent, you cannot afford the luxury of not paying attention to what you are adding to your shopping cart at your local grocery store. As a parent, you get to see the world with a very different perspective. Junk food, which might once have been comfort food for you, suddenly turns disastrous as excess of it could lead to childhood obesity. As a parent, you do more research into the various ingredients that are contained in foods and why is high fructose corn syrup bad for your kids. A parent needs to be very cautious what food is served to your kids and your family and ensure that only the freshest ingredients and unprocessed foods are being given, especially to children.

The kids’ world

Kids by nature are fussy eaters and to make them eat something healthy, and not necessarily tasty, is a big task! But at the same time, their world is so full of activities and things to get done; that they are in constant need of food be it in the form of meals or snacks. Healthy recipes are not important to them, tasty fast food is. The only plus is that if it tastes good, they will definitely have it; and if you are a smart parent, you will know how to make healthy things tasty and how to read food labels so you can avoid harmful junk food landing up in your kids’ meals and snacks.

Eat healthy, stay healthy

No matter what your age, you must eat healthy to stay fit and in good health. And this can be achieved by researching for and incorporating healthy recipes in your family’s diet. Try and avoid deep fried food, artificially sweetened foods, foods containing too many preservatives and additives and such other unhealthy food that could lead to too many complications and problems such as obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and such.

Introduce Healthy Snacks For Kids

It is huge responsibility on the part of adults to introduce the kids to healthy foods and lead a well disciplined healthy life. We need to teach our children right from young age the importance of a disciplined life, eating healthy and exercising well.

Eat fresh and nutrition rich foods

Most processed food is made from refined flours, sugars and fats and contains preservatives, artificial flavorings and gluten. These types of food are addictive in nature and are harmful for the body in the long run. They cause obesity, diabetics, and raises up cholesterol and increase the risks of heart diseases and cancer. Gluten free diet benefits are numerous and many people are following this form of diet. This calls for cutting down on processed foods and increasing the intake of fresh and healthy foods like vegetables and fruits. This in turn will help lose weight and cut down the risks of various diseases.

Following a plant based lifestyle

Everyone wants to live healthy and different people are choosing different diets and changing lifestyles to become more healthy and fit. What is a Vegan? Being a vegan is not just being a vegetarian. It is more of a lifestyle choice and a philosophy than a diet. Vegans are steps ahead of vegetarians. They not only to eat vegetables but they eliminate any product of the animal origin. Even in their lifestyle they do not use any products of animal origin in their clothing or for any other purpose. That includes dairy products, honey, fur, silk, cosmetics and soaps derived from animal products, leather, wool, fish and eggs. Many restaurants now serve vegan food too as many people have opted for a vegan lifestyle.

Shift to energy packed, low calorie foods

Health conscious people follow healthy recipes. These healthy recipes include the use of fresh nuts, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, unrefined flours, brown rice, natural sweeteners and ingredients which are rich in fiber. The methods for cooking involve steaming, baking and stir fries with the use of bare minimum fats. Deep frying and use of fats and oils are not used at all. Adopting such methods of cooking and use of these ingredients will improve digestion and will help in losing weight and keeping the risks of other diseases like high cholesterol, heart ailments, cancers, obesity and diabetes at bay.

Depending on your needs and lifestyle makes changes and adopt a healthier diet and exercise routine and see a fitter and Jack Mac John is an experienced Content writer and publisher for Healthy Snacks For Kids.

5 First Aid Tips to Teach Kids

Kids tend to get injured very often and are usually very scared when they do. Teaching kids about basic first aids helps them calmly deal with the situation and stay safe. Here are some of the most basic first aids tips that you can begin teaching your child.

1. Calling for help: It is most important to teach kids how to call for help. This is the first line of defense. Teach them how and when to use emergency dialing. Get them to describe exactly what has happened and how to clearly communicate it to the person over the phone. Your child should know his/ her full name and the home address to help things move faster.

2. Cuts and small wounds: Teach your kids what minor cuts and wounds look like. Use instances when your kids actually end up with injuries and teach them how to tend to it. Say your child ends up with a scratched knee, explain to them exactly what you are doing and why. Tell them that first they should use water and an antiseptic liquid to clean properly. Once cleaned check for any soil or other debris. Once clear teach them to apply antibiotic cream like Neosporin and then dress the wound with bandage. Teach them that applying pressure on the wounds will usually stop bleeding.

3. Burns: In case their clothes have caught fire, teach them to immediately cover their face with their hands and then stop drop and roll immediately on the ground till the fire stops or immediately run it under water. For other kinds of burns teach them to run the burn under water for some relief. The rest of the attending to the burns should be done by an adult. They can use a medicated cream like burnol on the wounds till an adult can attend to it. Teach them to wash hands properly with antiseptic soap before and after attending to any kind of wound, open skin and bleeding.

4. Broken bones: Kids need to be taught that bones are alive and have their own blood supply. Explain to them that a broken bone is the same thing as a fracture and that it hurts a lot. In case of a fracture, the fractured body part is not to be touched and an adult is to be called immediately. Till then they can ensure that the injured part is kept still and the person comfortable. Do not let the patient eat or drink anything since a serious injury might need an operation and a filled stomach warrants delay.

5. Insect bite: Children and insect bites are a common thing but they can be a pain. Teach kids to remove the stingers by scraping it without breaking it. Their nails or a credit card can be used to scrape the sting out. Using tweezers can squeeze out more venom so avoid it.

Children are very intelligent and when taught properly can learn basic first aid properly. This not only lets you breathe a sigh of relief but also lets your child feel confident when in such a situation because they know what is happening and how to deal with it.

Parks Are Important For Health In More Than One Way

In the modern times, national parks are appreciated, and more and more people visit these parks. While most park goers have the intention of having a fun or relaxing time, most of them do not fully realize how important these parks are for health. The natural scenery and the opportunities for activities that these parks provide not only allow the visitors to stay physically fit but also mentally healthy. Research has shown that parks, as small as the neighborhood or community playgrounds, make a lot of difference in one’s physical and mental health in addition to potentially reducing the health care costs as well. Here are some of the ways in which parks and outdoor playground equipment make a difference to our health.

Peace, Activity And Serenity

The parks and playgrounds provide an excellent opportunity to just sit back and relax. That allows one to calm his minds and thoughts and gain mental stability. They also provide an avenue for meeting new people outside your circle of colleagues and friends which further allows for mental relaxation and making new likeminded friends.

The fact that parks and playgrounds provide clear air goes without saying. In the busy and traffic congested world of today, parks are a blessing where you can sit for a while taking in oxygen and fresh air from the greenery around you. It not only helps your lungs bit also keeps your eyes healthy. Some of the more lavish parks also have natural or artificial streams flowing through them which also allow the visitors to drink clear and clear water that is invaluable to health by all means.

Workout Without The Hassle

Not everyone likes to get up in the morning and go for a run and not everyone loves to spend their evenings in a loud gym. However, most people love to take a stroll around the park and take a walk on the green patches around a playground. It is even more pertinent to the children and teenagers who are quite busy with their school lives and co-curricular activities to make a consistent working out routine. However, every kid and teen loves to explore the commercial playground equipment and spend hours running around and doing vigorous activity all in form of play. In this way playgrounds also serve as a significant avenue for exercise with their outdoor playground equipment without any mental burden that comes with proper working out.

Social Values And Cooperation

Parks and playgrounds are an excellent source of bringing people together from different races, professions, backgrounds and social statuses. This is good opportunity for grownups to meet new people but for children it is absolutely priceless. They not only get the chance to make friends out of school and out of their immediate vicinity but they also get to learn the social skills in a more independent way. When the kids see their parents interacting with other children’s parents and other children, they develop a sense of social values and learn how to behave and carry themselves in public. While these playgrounds are a source of learning for them, they also provide complete independence to them in choosing their friends and their behavior towards them. Children learn the most when they are unhindered and playgrounds are an excellent means to do that.

10 Winter Safety Tips For Kids

  1. Layer up: Winter cold means that the kids need to be kept warm. Instead of opting for individual thick clothes opt for multiple layers of thinner clothes. Multiple layers help keep the body heat within the clothes to keep the little ones warm and safe. Ensure that the clothes are without strings that the kids can get strangled in.
  2. Moisturize: Winter means dry skin leaving the tiny tots susceptible to being infected with one of the scores of germs just flying around to get your little one. Moisturize, moisturize and moisturize to keep your little ones safe from the winter dryness.
  3. Stay hydrated: Ensure that the kids drink enough water especially during the winter without which they will be left adequately dehydrated. Leave bottles of water around the house where the kids are likely to see it in front of their eyes as a reminder to drink.
  4. Prevent nosebleeds: Dry winter can cause nose bleeds in some kids. One should use a humidifier to maintain the required humidity in the room to bring the bleed under control. Using saline nose drops is a good way to keep the nose hydrated enough to prevent nosebleeds.
  5. Diet plan: Winter asks for a more warming diet and nutritious diet to help the body deal with the cold. Ensure that the kids are drinking enough warm soups and hot foods. Adding more spices and herbs to the daily food is a good idea to keep the kids healthy and prevent them from falling sick.
  6. Cover up: Depending on how cold it is where you stay, its a good idea to cover your child’s ears and nose when out playing. It is a must have precaution when travelling with the child during the winter months to avoid colds and cough.
  7. Shoe up: Ensure that the kids are wearing dry warm socks and a good pair of shoes to keep their feet warm, dry and safe form the cold outside. Using a pair of fur lined boots is a rather good idea for the cold winter winds.
  8. Sunscreen: Winters need that your kids use adequate sunscreen before stepping out. just because its cold doesn’t mean kids wont get sun burns during the winter. Get a child friendly sunblock that filters both UVA and UVB rays to keep your child’s skin safe from the harsh sun.
  9. Be vigilant: Keep a vigilant eye on your child and his/her activities. Ensure that their body temperatures are within norm and that your child isn’t going cold. Use waterproof clothing when letting your child out to play. Additionally watch out for cracked heels, chapped lips and broken skin.
  10. Sleep warm: Ensure that the window’s in your child’s room remain closed especially at night to keep the cold out. Use warm bedding and multiple layers of blankets to keep them warm especially in the feet area to keep their body warm at night.

Winters can be both fun and healthy if enough safety precautions are brought into practice on a regular basis so go ahead and let the fun begin.