Does Disability Mean You Can’t Have a Child?

Though disability is typically thought of as something negative, disability does not have to be a bad thing. A disability should not affect your ability to live your life or be able to have children. However, society has taught us that being disabled is difficult, horrible, and worthless.

But disability should never prevent you from being able to be pregnant if that’s what you want! We know plenty of women who are physically disabled but have been pregnant before. And obviously, they were successful! If you’re wondering what the process might look like for someone with a disability becoming pregnant by traditional routes, there are many barriers that may be put in your way.

The Stigma

How do you feel about disability and pregnancy? Like I said earlier, society taught us that being disabled is a curse and if you add pregnancy to the equation, that is mission impossible. The stigma of being pregnant with a disability is something that many disabled people have to face every day. As someone who relies on a wheelchair and uses an electric scooter to get around, pregnancy was not exactly easy. But it was doable, as long as they had the right help.

Many people with disabilities are often perceived as needing assistance, but a person’s disability should not be the focus. People should see someone first, and then any additional information is secondary. Although it is true that being pregnant with a disability is different than being pregnant without one, it isn’t less. Many women, personally, have never been treated differently because of their pregnancy, and we really hope to change the perception others may have about pregnancy while having a disability.

Preparations and Adjustments

Pregnancy is a beautiful yet demanding time in a woman’s life. Some women, especially those with disabilities, may face unique challenges while preparing for and adjusting to pregnancy. These challenges may include physical limitations, additional responsibility for caretaking, as well as potential concerns about the safety of both mother and fetus.

Additionally, many women with disabilities face negative views toward pregnancy and parenting from a variety of sources, including family members, healthcare providers, and members of the general public. This attitude can be stressful and increase the dangers of pregnancy health. If you are pregnant and have a disability, there are certain things you can do to prepare for and modify during your pregnancy.

  • Physical Preparation: First and foremost, speak with your doctor about your individual circumstances and any necessary adjustments. You may need to adjust your diet, exercise routine, or medication schedule depending on your handicap. At the end of the day, the most essential thing is to pay attention to your body.
  • Prepare Your Home: You may also need to make changes to your living or working environment to ensure your safety and comfort. Before bringing a newborn home, every first-time parent has a lot of work ahead of them. If you’re on medication, make sure drawers are locked to prevent your child from accidentally ingesting it. Make sure all of your outlets are plugged in and that any sharp edges are adequately protected. If you think an adjustable tub will help with bath times in the future, make sure it’s installed before the baby arrives. Because babies are more susceptible to dust and germs than adults, clean the house as thoroughly as you can. It’s a good idea to get your kitchen ready for when your little one arrives. It will be a relief to know that you are well provisioned and have enough meals ready and frozen to last a week or more when the pandemonium arrives.
  • Clothes and Equipment: Comfortable clothing is another boon for new moms, especially when dealing with hot temperatures and hot flashes. Stock up on breathable, lightweight, and relaxed fabrics that will stretch as your pregnancy continues. Baby carriers, especially those designed to fit in wheelchairs, will be helpful. If you have limited mobility, cradles and cots with drop-down corners for easy access to your baby will be handy. There are people and firms that offer bespoke solutions if you require adaptive equipment that you cannot obtain. These companies can create something customized to your demands if you define what you require.
  • Prepare Yourself Mentally and Emotionally: It’s also crucial to maintain contact with other pregnant mothers who are disabled. There are numerous online and in-person support groups that can provide you with advice and support during your pregnancy. This will help you cope with those negative views and comments you will hear when you decide to have your children. These people will be the ones who can understand you because they experienced the same thing as you. Of course, the support from your loving family will also help. They are the ones you need the most at this time, but being with those who have the same situation as you will make a difference in you.

Staying Positive Throughout

Women with disabilities can do a variety of things to prepare for and adjust to pregnancy. To begin with, speak with your doctor about your particular issue and how it may influence your pregnancy. It’s also critical to be proactive in seeking out information and support from other disabled mothers. There are a variety of online forums and support groups that can offer help and advice. Finally, patience and taking things one step at a time are essential. Pregnancy is a time of transition for both the mother and the baby, so it’s crucial to give yourself plenty of time to adjust.

Of course, negative thoughts and assumptions are unavoidable during that time, but staying positive will help you cope with those feelings. Try to imagine the feeling when your baby is in your arms, his or her smile, and how beautiful the sound of his or her cry is. You can also imagine him or her when he grows up and those birthdays you will share together as a family. This will help you not focus on your disability and pregnancy but on the future with your baby.